Dr. Larry Langston

A Miracle in My Arms

A Miracle in My Arms

In a small distressed village in the Dominican Republic, a mother held a small child. His arms and legs were undersized and his body was swollen, as is often the case of the malnourished. He was fussing and appeared to be uncomfortable. I asked the mother, “What is wrong with your child? Is he sick?”

“He is eighteen months old,” she said, “but he will not eat.” “He has no appetite, and since his birth he has never eaten regularly. I cannot get him to eat. “

Our village volunteers finished cooking the Kids Against Hunger meals and the children began to be served. We tried to feed her son, while she held him. After forcing one bite into his mouth, his face contorted and he turned his head. He was not at all interested. (Loss of appetite is another sign of malnutrition.)

Because of God’s grace, I was filled with compassion for him. I took him in my arms and began to cuddle and love him. He snuggled close to me. The Holy Spirit led me to begin praying for him. “Lord Jesus, heal this child. Revive his interest in eating. Heal his body inside, whatever the problem is, heal his inner body and give him an appetite for his food.”


After a couple of minutes of this, he began to fuss and held his hands out for the plate of food she was holding. So, she handed him the plate. He continued to fuss until she gave him the fork. What happened next surprised his mom, her friends, and neighbors. He began to feed himself! We sat him down with the other children and he contentedly sat there and fed himself the highly nutritious meal from Kids Against Hunger.

After a while, I picked him up again. His mother walked over and attempted to take the plate and fork from him. He began shrieking at her and refused to give it up! We were laughing and praising the Lord.

This truly was a miracle that happened in my arms. “Thank you Lord for your great love, mercy, and grace. Thank you Lord Jesus for healing this child.”

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Kids Against Hunger and those they serve. For information on KAH, visit www.kidsagainsthunger.org