Dr. Larry Langston


THINKING OF YOU Feel forgotten? Someone’s thinking of you. “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you; says the Lord, plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster; to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) It’s so encouraging to know that God has a […]


YOU CAN EAT WITH ME! “Come in and eat with me,” I said to the homeless man standing outside a major fast food restaurant. “I can’t go in there with you,” he replied. “Why not, I asked? “They know me in there and will not allow me to come inside anymore.” (I’m […]

Traits of a Gentleman

Traits of a Gentleman He acts kindly from the impulse of his kind heart.He is brave, because, with a conscience void of offence, he has nothing to fear.He is never embarrassed, for he respects himself and is profoundly conscious of right intentions.He keeps his honor unstained, and to retain the good opinion […]


Smile! A smile is the easiest, quickest way to display your inner joy. It can also place others at ease when meeting you, or lift the spirit of someone who is down. You have probably heard it said, “It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile!” Smile more…….it increases […]

God Saved our Lives Today

God Saved our Lives Today On a beautiful, Sunday evening Diann and I were driving into Orlando to speak at a new church launch. Suddenly, building materials and a ladder came flying off a truck ahead of us. I had no choice but to take immediate evasive action as it appeared that […]

A Miracle in My Arms

A Miracle in My Arms In a small distressed village in the Dominican Republic, a mother held a small child. His arms and legs were undersized and his body was swollen, as is often the case of the malnourished. He was fussing and appeared to be uncomfortable. I asked the mother, “What […]

Find the Silver Lining

Find the Silver Lining Finding the silver lining (in the cloud) has often been referenced regarding discovering a benefit in a problem, the positive in a negative, and the blessing in the trial. Yesterday I had the opportunity to have breakfast with some friends from out of state who had come to […]

We Just Drove Through a Car!

We Just Drove Through a Car! The newest release by Dr. Larry, Stories of Miracles & Grace, can be ordered directly from this site. Simply click on Order Now to the right of the picture of the book. This collection of stories reflects adventures and miracles Larry & Diann Langston have experienced […]

Communicating Successful Life Principles

Communicating Successful Life Principles Salvation, healing, and deliverance for the body, soul, and spirit is available for everyone through faith in the finished works of the Lord Jesus Christ. He paid the penalty for every sin, shortcoming, and failure we would ever experience by His death, burial, and resurrection. We are declared […]

Communication & Leadership Development

Communication & Leadership Development Dr. Larry has been privileged to assist in developing hundreds of leaders in business and non-profit corporations. He loves working with leaders and teams! To best assist your group, consider the following questions. Dr. Larry will want to discuss these with you prior to scheduling an event. If […]