“I don’t have enough time to do all the important things I want and need to do! There isn’t enough time in the day! Why didn’t God put eight days in the week instead of only seven?” We have heard these statements many times. We may have even said them!
What if I told you that you could have an extra four, even up to sixteen, extra forty- hour weeks in your year? Interested? How would you use that time? What could you accomplish? Review your goals, plan your week? Write a book? Take a college course? Learn to speak another language? Read? Exercise? Enjoy prayer and devotions? You can have the extra personal time you need.
It’s easy! Get up thirty minutes earlier than usual in the mornings, and you will have an extra 3.5 hours each week. This amounts to fourteen hours each month and an extra 4.2 forty- hour weeks each year.
But wait! It gets even better!
If you start an hour earlier, you can have an extra 8 forty- hour weeks.
If you are hungry for lots of additional time, getting up two hours earlier than usual will grant you an extra sixteen (16.8) forty- hour weeks in your year.
With the extra time you have invested in yourself, you will be closer to achieving your goals than ever before.
Hint: Most great achievers were early risers. But maybe you are a night person. If so, just allocate those night hours into quality, useful time to do what is most important to you.